"HEY DUDE... wass upp" "ss up?" ... "itzz 2 boring." You can find these words trending in social networks and short message service (SMS). So what language are these? People say its english.But as a sincere admirer of english, i am not able to digest these. I think some readers may not be aware of this murder of the language rather those people who are aware of this might not feel guilty too. A debut social network user might feel this language a bewildering one. But its not so. People  use words like "ROTFL" "LMAO" "TFS", "IMO" "BRB" etc. Initially we find like these phrases or standard abbreviations for any posts. But the fact is they aren't. 'ROTFL' means Rolling on the floor walking, 'LMAO' means Laughing My Ass off, 'IMO' means In my Opinion , 'BRB' means Be Right Backand 'TFS' means Thanks for sharing.
                                        But why people just stick on to this? The reason is simple. They think they are trending or they think that those short forms are cool.Is it really cool to Knock off words , especially vowels "a,e,i,o,u". In my lower classes they thought me that vowels are almost inseperable from words.Secondly what is cool in replacing 'S' by 'Z' and "the" by "d"? And people find it cool in intermingling the cut short words with number system.Another thing is people just kick the silent letters in any words. For someone who is new to Social networks might find difficult to understand wat "OSUM" really mean. After certain research, people can arrive at the answer that "osum" actually means "awesome". 

So i always imagined what shakespeare might feel if he joins this Facebook or orkut? will he committ suicide? Probably yes might be my answer. So let us analyse why people get into such actions. are they lazy? NO. Because people are replacing words "man" by "mahn", "my" by "mah" and "hot" by "hawt".They replace some 3 letter or 2 letter words by 5 letter or 4 letter words respectively.The reason is so obvious that People use such words because they think that they are cool and they are trending by multilating words. But keep in mind one thing, English is a beautiful and a meaningful language with all its nuances, pronunciation, silent letters, homonyms and intricacies in meaning. So i believe it is a crime to ruin such a wonderful language for which no single is victed or punished.I will be happy if atleast a single soul reading this just feel like "Yes! i feel guilty. Hereafter i will refrain from doing so." and i still believe wat i said.



As title implies there is something critical and cryptical about the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant.Let me just give you a jist of it. Koodankulam (located in Tirunelveli)is an Indo-Russian nuclear Power Plant Project which was signed  way back in 1988 by Indian Ex-PrimeMinister  LT. Mr.RAJIV GANDHI and Soviet union President Mr.Mikhail Gorbachev. Initially the groundworks for the project began in 1997 and the expense was estimated to be $3Billions (i.e.13k+ Crores) and was planned to be 60% functional from 2010 and full functional from 2011 mid which could generate upto 9.8GW (Giga Watts) Electricity.
CRITICAL ISSUES                                    
But things seems to be a bit untidy for this project to take off. People residing in 12 villages in and around koodankulam had raised their hands against this. Things became more weird from October 2011, where people went on for an instant Hunger strike and violent activities blocking highway roads.They cited their reasons to be the following
1.) Koodankulam is an unsafe project.
2.) It may lead to disasters like Nuclear waste, Radioactive waste, Nuclear Accidents resulting in Loss of Life and property.
3.) A disaster like the one similar to  japan that happened in  march 2011 might occur.
To eradicate those lame reasons and fear in the mindset of those people, a separate committee was formed to analyse and monitor the Koodankulam power plant. The commitee report made  it clear everything and reported the power plant to be safest one in India. The people violating against aren't even satisfied. During this time our Ex-president Dr.A.P.J.ABDUL KHALAM rose to occasion and declared a clean report that it was indeed a much safer plant and an useful one too. People claimed it to be an EYE-WASH from KHALAM sir. So what they actually want? Are their Reasons genuine rather appealing? is there someone at the back of them digging new problems?have a look at our below paragraph
                  Let us have a closer look onto the history of this koodankulam project and the obstacles it faced during its initiation. When India and Russia signed this Prestigious project there was one country to question this pact. Its none other than our so called Friend USA. The first country to open up a legal case on this project citing reasons that this project overrides the NSG (nuclear supplier groups)regulations and terms & conditions. So one might surely thinking what is there for USA to put a case on this?  The reason is so transparent that this koodankulam can have a hand on economic growth and might improve the intimacy between India and Russia. India's well-wisher USA doesn't want this to happen. They started to put on hurdles one after another.But Indians are best in hurdle race. On the eve of completion of this project Catholic fisher-mans started the protest.(i am not a casteist or racist refer wikipedia if you want). SP UDAYAKUMAR who leads this protest against this project had studied and worked in USA for 12years. Seems a Connection? or the connector of USA and our local fisherman? i smell that those catholic fishermans are innocents and they are induced by some other forces. one such force may be Udayakumar?? so you readers can understand the seriousness of this problem?? its not a problem of villages or states. Its the prestige of USA vs others.

People residing in tamilnadu might know the powercut-mania here. 2hrs inside chennai, 4hrs outside chennai
1.) If kudankulam comes in 2012 power-cut gets rapidly reduced to 1 hr or 30mins inside chennai and 2hrs outside Chennai in 2013.
2.) From 2013 we can generate more power and can sell to other states and can get a 10% rise in State Economy thereby constituting the Nation's economy.

So who else is going to be the negotiator to solve this problems?? CM or PM or PRESIDENT? well GOD KNOWS.

Thanks for spending your time here. Waiting for your comments. Every single comment will influence me for sure.


1 comment:

  1. nanba idhellam OK i want to know whether there is any local politics (DMK vs ADMK) behind this issue... if this project begin in ADMK period then all would tell that this ruling party was solved the power cut problem than the last one nu... so there is a chance la.. anyway nice friend..
